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Ake Laboratory Inc

Ake Laboratory Inc is a Commercial Physical and Biological Research company at Cleveland,Ohio,United States , Telephone is 4402320155 (+1-440-232-0155),fax is 4402321661 (+1-440-232-1661),address is 503 Broadway Ave.This company SIC code is 873111,SIC Name is Commercial Physical and Biological Research,You can find more Ake Laboratory Inc contact info like fax,email,website below.
Company Info
Contact Info
  • Tel:
  • 4402320155 (+1-440-232-0155)
  • Fax :
  • 4402321661 (+1-440-232-1661)
  • Website :
  • Email :
  • [email protected]
This is Google map of Ake Laboratory Inc address:503 Broadway Ave,Cleveland,Ohio,United States.
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